Our Team Clinicians

Jan Turner

Clinical Psychologist

Jan TurnerJan Turner is an experienced clinical psychologist and for the past 10 years she has been working with a wide variety of people in the health sector including people with chronic illness and chronic pain.  She has worked in many hospitals’ outpatient clinics including oncology, renal, and diabetes, orthopaedics and neurosurgery to help people learn adaptive coping skills to help better manage their illness or pain.

Jan has also worked for five years in private practice with people experiencing adjustment difficulties, depression and other mood disorders, anxiety and stressors. Also, grief and loss, trauma, and helping couples resolve some of their concerns.

She is warm and friendly and very approachable. Jan uses a wide range of therapy interventions including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness, DBT, Schema Therapy and Innovative Pain Management skills.

Jan is very passionate about listening to people and helping them to learn effective coping skills that can easily be applied to their lives to help enhance their wellbeing and re-connect them with their sense of purpose in life.